GP representatives
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GP representatives in Queensland Health provide advice and feedback to improvement activities, including:
- Queensland Clinical Networks and working groups
- Quality councils and working groups
- Improvement initiatives.
The GP representative role across the interface between hospitals and general practice:
- Provides input about the GP perspective about the health improvement initiative
- Is vital in facilitating appropriate clinical pathways, safe transfer of patient care, and integration.
The QGPL Network continues to experience strong growth in requests for GP representatives.
More information about Queensland Clinical Networks can be found here: https://clinicalexcellence.qld.gov.au/priority-areas/clinician-engagement/queensland-clinical-networks

The role of the GP representative is to present the general practice contribution in ensuring safer, timely and patient-centred care.
Role of the GP representative includes:
- Confidently discussing the patient journey of care from a general practice perspective
- Providing feedback on materials, resources and reports to ensure inclusion of the patient journey from a general practice perspective
- Contributing to co-design of quality improvement activities to ensure patient safety across the interface between hospital and general practice care.
Being a GP representative means:
- Having a strong commitment and passion for improvement in health service integration to improve patient safety
- Is experienced in providing feedback to improve the patient journey from a general practice viewpoint
- Having the ability to contribute positively and respectfully while appreciating different perspectives expressed
- Committing to the time required in meeting attendance, reviewing meeting papers in advance, and responding to out of session business via e-mail
- Having an understanding of Queensland Health as an organisation and the services it provides
- Being able to think strategically and understand the quality improvement process to improve the patient journey.
We encourage those who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples, culturally or linguistically diverse or from a rural and remote area to apply, to support the diversity of experience of the improvement initiative.

GP representative recruitment, remuneration and reporting
Country to Coast QLD is contracted by Queensland Health for the administration, support and recruitment of GP representatives to the statewide clinical networks, quality councils or working groups as required.
- Recruitment is initiated through Expressions of Interest (EOI) to general practice, distributed through the QGPL Network, Primary Health Networks and wider general practice channels
- The EOI outlines the role of the GP representative, and the terms of reference is distributed with the EOI
- The recruitment outcome is managed by the statewide clinical network, quality council or working group
- Remuneration for the GP representative is facilitated by Country to Coast QLD
- GP representatives provide regular reporting to the QGPL Network.