About the QGPL Network
The Queensland General Practice Liaison (QGPL) Network is a multidisciplinary collaboration of clinicians. The QGPL Network provides expert direction and advice on all strategic matters relating to integrating the patient journey of care across the interface between general practice and hospital care.
The QGPL Network is coordinated in partnership between Clinical Excellence Queensland and Country to Coast Queensland PHN.

General practice liaison in focus
GPLOs facilitate safe patient journeys across the interface between general practice and hospital care by:
- Identifying and addressing service gaps
- Improving transfer of care processes
- Facilitating integration of services.
Queensland GP and GPLO resources and publications, including Australia wide resources…
Education and Events
Interprofessional education opportunities, events and webinars, throughout Queensland…
Reports and publications
Queensland General Practice Liaison Network Annual Reports, publications and articles…
GPLOs in your Hospital and Health Service (HHS) or Primary Health Network (PHN)